In addition to the lessons, Actions Fractions has an associated set of assessments that are designed to reveal students’ developing Computational Thinking (CT) competencies along the different CT learning trajectories.
About our Assessments Sample Assessments Learn MoreThe assessment items were designed and developed to align with key points along each learning trajectory. For instance, we developed one set of assessment items designed to measure students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities that align with the sequence trajectory. In addition to sequence, we developed assessment items from the learning trajectories for conditionals, repetition, variables, and decomposition.
These assessment items can be used in different ways by teachers, including for formative and summative purposes. As part of our research activities, we have used them for summative purposes, by assembling the items into short instruments (i.e., "tests"). Each instrument is designed to be used after four lessons, and is targeted to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that were developed through the lessons.
The assessment items use a variety of paper-and-pencil formats. Some assessment items use the Scratch interface or Scratch code blocks, while others are not embedded within a Scratch context. The majority of the assessment items use mathematics content or are embedded in a mathematics context, furthering the integration of mathematics and Computational Thinking (CT).