Action Fractions is a cohesive sequence of activities designed to align with math standards for fraction instruction in 3rd and 4th grade as well as Computational Thinking (CT) learning goals drawn from learning trajectories for sequence, conditionals, iteration, and debugging. The lessons, designed to be implemented in the recommended sequential order, include both computer-based and "unplugged" activities as well as assessments.
Welcome to Third Grade Action Fractions. This material introduces a scope and sequence of the lessons (along with associated CT assessments), a guide to lesson organization and an introduction to the pedagogy of Action Fractions. You will also find tips to help you start planning and teaching right away regardless of what curriculum you currently use.
Welcome to Fourth Grade Action Fractions. This material introduces a scope and sequence of the lessons (along with associated CT assessments), a guide to lesson organization and an introduction to the pedagogy of Action Fractions. You will also find tips to help you start planning and teaching right away regardless of what curriculum you currently use.
Action Fractions is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded partnership (award number 1932920) between the University of Chicago STEM Education center, the University of Florida, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Loyola University Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The project is focused on the development of integrated mathematics (fractions) and computational thinking (CT) learning materials for third and fourth graders. While the project was originally developed for use with the Everyday Mathematics curriculum, the activities may be used with any mathematics curriculum.