4th Grade Lesson: Introducing Conditionals: A Rounding Shortcut

Students learn and practice a strategy for rounding whole numbers using conditional statements.

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Activity Summary

Students learn and practice a strategy for rounding whole numbers. "A Rounding Shortcut SRB p87" Method (rounding to thousands):

  1. Find the digit in the hundreds place.
  2. Look at the digit to the right of the hundreds place.
  3. If the digit is less than 5, round down.
  4. If the digit is 5 or greater, round up.

Teacher leads a discussion introducing students to the terms condition and conditional statement. They learn the explicit If-Then format, and convert each of statements #3 and #4 in the method above to If-Then format.

Math Connections

Students learn and practice a strategy for rounding whole numbers.

CS Connections

Programmers often write code using conditionals (If-Then statements): If statements that indicate a condition the computer should evaluate as met or not met (i.e. as true or false), and Then statements that indicate what the computer should do if the if condition is true. In this activity students think about both the condition they are evaluating (Is the digit less than 5?) and what happens if the condition is met, or true (round down).


Scratch Projects

  • No Scratch projects for this lesson


  • Conditionals
  • Rounding whole numbers

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