4th Grade Lesson: Adding Fractions: Same Denominators

Students add fractions with the same denominators and different numerators on a number line and using a fraction circle. They use variables to represent denominator values.

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Resources for Adding Fractions: Same Denominators

Lesson Mode


Activity Summary

Students complete an activity sheet that prompts them to find combinations of two or three different fractions with the same denominators, that add up to the same total.

Math Connections

Students add fractions with the same denominators and different numerators on a number line and using a fraction circle. Students find different combinations of fractions with same denominators and different numerators that add up to the same total.

CS Connections

Students use variables to represent denominator values. The denominator variable is reused in multiple lines of code. They explore how a sensing condition can be used to determine an outcome.


Scratch Projects


  • Variables
  • Adding Fractions with same Denominators